But I also had a hard time saying "Tschüss" (bye) to my favorite pair of sneakers (also the one and only comfortable pair of shoes I own) after God knows how many years.
I went to visit my parents in Germany last fall and after giving my shoes one long look, my mother decided that it was finally time to dump them. She then proceeded to drag me to a shoe store. In all honesty, it didn't require too much dragging ... I love shoes, new shoes, buying shoes, shopping for shoes but part of this deal was that I would give up on the OLD SHOES. Ditch them. Yikes!
This wasn't just a pair of any old boots. See, me and those trusty shoes trudged through Napa Valley, explored San Francisco on foot, walked through the Valley of Fire (we were the only ones hiking there), climbed down the Grand Canyon, got me lost in New Orleans and biked me through Los Angeles for a year. They were my bi-continental, multi-state shoes.
Then I made her promise to re-purpose my old shoes. They are now a lawn ornament next to my dad's 40+ year old bike that he retired last year as well. I guess at least I know where I got this from.
My point? Not sure, maybe there isn't one - other than saying that I feel rather sentimental about letting go. Like letting go of this blog and moving on to the new, custom designed, website hosted blog.
So goodbye old blog and HELLO new VT wedding photography blog:
Check it out!
Kingdom Wedding Photography